Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22, 2010

So my plan for today was to find a prisoner penpal program to join. Prison outreach and reform of the criminal justice system are very important to me. Since I acknowledge that I cannot necessarily fill up every moment of my day with physical volunteering, I thought that this would be a good way to connect with an prisoner in need and provide at least a little support.

There are literally thousands of prison ministries online. If you search "prisoner penpal", you end up with a lot of hits about something other than letter writing for moral support. Searching through the lists and websites, I found myself feeling hesitant about not knowing anything about them, and quite honestly not being sure if I could trust them. How horrible is that? Looking for ministries of faith and not having the faith to trust that they are actually doing what they say they are. It's a weird world (or maybe just my weird mind).

But I did find two options that look viable: Good News Jail & Prison Ministry and a Salvation Army Ministry. I've sent out emails and we'll see what comes back.

Tonight, I'm praying for all those in jails and prisons and detention centers around the world.

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