Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb 20, 2010

...writing a day late...

So yesterday I shopped for materials to put together kits Lutheran World Relief is collecting for Haiti:

Include the following items in each Health Kit (in a large zip-lock bag):

  • One hand towel, dark color recommended
  • One washcloth, dark color recommended
  • One bath-size bar (4 to 5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping
  • One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging
  • One sturdy comb, remove packaging
  • One metal nail file or nail clippers with file attached, remove packaging (do not substitute cardboard emery boards for the file)
  • Six Band-Aids® (or similar brand), preferably 1/2" to 3/4"; secure together with a rubber band

As I was shopping for these items, I was really overwhelmed by the simplicity of these items, and our over-abundance of them. How many of us have agonized over the right color and feel of hand towels? I couldn't even find bars of soap sold individually, with the exception of super-expensive, specialized brands. There seem to be 700 different kinds of toothbrushes - not including the electric ones. And six band aids? Six? They come in boxes of 20, 40, etc...It seems ridiculous to me to say "Oh, I'm so sorry you had this horrible, devastating earthquake. Here's six band aids to make it all better."

But then I read a little more about the kits on LWR's website:

People who must flee their homes quickly often do not have time to pack essential items. Health kits can help refugees maintain personal hygiene while living in exile. Items may also contribute to a new start for those who can return home.

After thinking this over, I realized that perhaps my concern over how little these kits provide is reflection of my inflated sense of need. Why do I need to have a spare toothbrush (or two) sitting in my drawer? Why do I need to have both an electric toothbrush and a "regular" toothbrush as well?

The greater question for me now is, how can I, am middle class American ever understand the kind of need the Haitian's are experiencing right now? Am I committing injustice by sitting on my couch under a blanket snacking on cookies while watching TV?

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