Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 19, 2010

Tonight I went with Ben and a few students from GMU LCM to help Bethlehem Lutheran Church and FACETS with their Hypothermia Shelter. We helped serve dinner to approximately 30 individuals and then spent time socializing with them.

I'm not really sure what to say about the experience. Everything that comes to mind seems trite or cliched. One interesting thing that happened was that I met a deaf woman and was able to sign with her (sort of - luckily she read lips well). I enjoyed sitting with her and talking and being able to converse in sign again. It was really nice to make that connection.

I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of issues related to tonight. But I'm really not sure how to articulate them. Maybe I'll follow up tomorrow.

Say a prayer for those who don't have a warm place to sleep tonight.

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