Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a few interesting quotes

a few things that have caught my eye and my mind and that I've been meditating on...

  • Spiritual disciplines are not ways to eradicate all our desires but ways to order them so that they can serve one another and together serve God. ~Henri Nouwen

  • We live between the trees, in a world drenched in God. And some people seriously ask, you know, "Where is God?" Maybe a better question would be, "Where isn't God?" I mean, his fingerprints are all over our world. Or maybe it's his world and they're our fingerprints. ~Rob Bell

  • May you trust that Jesus, when he says that death has been taken care of, and that you can live forever with God, that you're never, ever, ever going to stop living. May you believe that death has been taken care of, and you can be a partner with God in redeeming and restoring this fallen, broken, hurting world. That you can literally be a partner with God in making this the kind of place that God orginially intended it to be. May you be the kind of person who, when you live this way, the very trees of Paradise are being planted. ~Rob Bell

1 comment:

Mike Croghan said...

Good stuff, Kriss! Rich food for meditation.