Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I was listening yesterday to a podcast from Grace Matters about Life v. Lifestyle. There was so much packed into the 30 minute show that I listened to it again this morning on my way to work. Yesterday, it was the distinction between life and lifestyle that caught me, that this is exactly what I am struggling with. I can't just change how I live and expect that to connect me to God - I need to connect to God FIRST and then all the rest will come - the same message as The Simple Life.

But this morning I heard something else, something fuller than just another intellectual/theological question. This morning I heard JOY. Our lives are in some dire straights, as illustrated by this poem that was shared on the podcast. We are searching for fulfillment and meaning in so many places and falling short. We are doing, wanting, having and it's all padding to beef up lives that are hollow. I have struggled with this for quite some time, and most times I think back to my first summer at camp and how happy and peaceful I was. I have believed that what has changed is that I do not spend the time with God that I did that summer, and that is likely true. However now I see that I am really missing is the response to God's love and grace, which I so wholeheartedly belief in. I am missing the joy.

As a generation, we are a brooding group of people. My generation is frustrated by the "sins of our parents" and the problems of our planet. I can get very bogged down in all of that, to the point where the sight of pavement makes me yell in anger. I wish to help the world, to change the world, to do something that helps just one person, but when opportunities arise I let my own selfish, laziness take over. Then more brooding. What an awful way to live!

But I have to step back from the sorrow at the situation the world is in and first respond to the amazing gift I have been given by God through Jesus. What I see this morning is that my life was different summer/fall 2002 because I was joyful. I was so happy to be at camp and to be with such amazing people, it didn't feel like work. And I was able to carry that joy through a couple months past camp. But then I got bogged down by roommate issues and crushes, and the problems of life combined with lifestyle pulled me away from the joy. And so I have been fighting and struggling and praying to get back to that place, but I haven't really known what I am looking for.

Today I see that it is the joy that sustains us, so that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us - the strength comes from the joy. The burden is light because of joy. Joy brings the drive to get off your ass and go be in community and relationship with others. This mindset of joy gives me a little more insight into the allure of many Christian songs that I might call too "praisey". Maybe I don't praise enough. Maybe I don't say thanks and bask in the joy of God enough.

Today I pray that I continue to respond to God's gift of love and grace with joy. That I carry the joy of Christ with me everywhere and I let that bring me peace and perseverance.

Praise God from whom all blessing flow
Praise God all creatures here below
Praise God above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Creater, Son and Holy Ghost.


1 comment:

WMS said...

wow, what a great post, Kriss!